Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 3 & 4

I can't wait to get my hands on some tofu and different items this weekend to teach myself some things!


Breakfast was my normal puffins cereal

Lunch was Mac & Cheese with Potato Wedges.. not healthy, I know!

Dinner was a Chic'n Goat Cheese & Cranberry Patty with a Salad



No breakfast cause I got stuck in a meeting, but I did atleast get a coffee in before I had to run off!

Lunch was a Eggplant Panini

Not sure what dinner tonight will be... Hm.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 2 Menu Update

So I'm a few days in and no problems so far :) Breakfast is easy since I usually have either a Nutrigrain bar or something of the like. I'm trying to get out of bed a little early to make myself some scrambled eggs in the morning, but so far my comfortable bed has won that battle.


Breakfast I reheated Potato & Cauliflower Gratin from Dinner the night before

Lunch was delish Cauliflower soup and homemade croutons

Dinner my mom made oven roasted chicken, one of my favorite smells ever... but I resisted and had grilled zucchini, broccoli rice and more Potato/Cauliflower Gratin

Thank god I LOVE Cauliflower <3

Monday: Back to work! (even though it seems half the world isn't working today!)

Breakfast was a bowl of Puffins cereal with Skim Milk

Lunch was a challenge! A coworker of mine wanted to hit up the local Buggaboo Creek... but I quickly realized that my only option for food would be a Caesar salad... and I just wasn't in the mood. We took a quick ride down to the King Street Cafe in Franklin where my FAVORITE portobello focaccia sandwich lives. It's marinated in something absolutely divine then served with spinach and herbed mayo on crunchy focaccia. My coworker decided on the mixed veggie sandwich and that looked yummy too! May have to try that next time..

Dinner was homemade grilled pizzas, mine had Mushrooms, Zucchini, Red Onion and Eggplant with cheese.

I have to hit up the grocery store soon so I can start making some different foods. My mom picked me up some tabbouleh and "chicken" patties stuffed with goat cheese and cranberries, that will hold me over for a while.

To Veg or Not to Veg...

This past weekend it hit me out of the blue and like a ton of bricks. WHY have I been eating meat for 25 years (minus a year or so of a vegetarian kick in High School)? I’ve always been an avid lover of animals specifically a strange affinity for cows (their cute noses just get me!) So looking back I find it strange that I’ve been able for so long so separate what I was eating from the animal itself. For years I’ve not eaten veal because I thought it was horrible that it was baby cows… yet put a steak in front of me and sure why not!

(Do you reallllly want to eat me?)

And so… I’m deciding to embark on an adventure, to change the way I look at things before putting them in or on my body. I figured since I'm looking to the internet for quite a bit of resource informtion, I may as well document my feelings and struggles along the way.