Monday, October 12, 2009

To Veg or Not to Veg...

This past weekend it hit me out of the blue and like a ton of bricks. WHY have I been eating meat for 25 years (minus a year or so of a vegetarian kick in High School)? I’ve always been an avid lover of animals specifically a strange affinity for cows (their cute noses just get me!) So looking back I find it strange that I’ve been able for so long so separate what I was eating from the animal itself. For years I’ve not eaten veal because I thought it was horrible that it was baby cows… yet put a steak in front of me and sure why not!

(Do you reallllly want to eat me?)

And so… I’m deciding to embark on an adventure, to change the way I look at things before putting them in or on my body. I figured since I'm looking to the internet for quite a bit of resource informtion, I may as well document my feelings and struggles along the way.

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