Saturday, January 8, 2011

aaaaand we're back!!!

So :) It's been a while huh... why is it that blogging always seems to falls off of my plate first? It's a new year and I'm starting off fresh, new recipes, new ideas; all that fun stuff.
Part of what I realized in the last 6 months is that, though I haven't been eating meat, many of the people I cook for do. And even though this began as a way to document the changes I made in becoming vegetarian, some of the recipes I enjoy cooking and sharing with people involve cooking with meat.
Due to that, the focus of the blog is going to change a bit. My New Years resolution for 2011 is going to be all about documenting my recipes. This was part of the original point of the blog, but it got lost pretty quickly. I think my main issue is I don't really cook from recipes, I just kind of fudge it (90% of the time anyway) so putting something together for posting on a blog isn't always easy. Since New Years, I've been writing EVERYTHING down. And since I stated out loud infront of some people (that I KNOW will hold me to it) you should see the activity go up on the blog again :) Here's hoping anyway!

Happy New Year Everyone!

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